Sunday, November 4, 2007

Professional Instinct

Moses took a few steps back from the wall. He leaned inward. A professional instinct now took over the more catastrophic one. He poked at the damaged wall with a single finger and knew that his initial assumption was wrong. The interior of the wall was porous and rough in places ... not soft and chalky. The wall of the hospital room - for reasons which were quite clear to him now - were not made from drywall but poured concrete. His eyes skirted across the room, wondering where the hidden cameras would be and they had just recorded. He wondered just how damages were handled on the bill.

A buzz interrupted the room, followed by a soft mechanical hiccup. Moses looked up towards the center of the ceiling where the red LED light of a fire alarm blinked.

"Moses, the nurse will be entering the room soon," said the filtered tone of Johanssen's voice, "perhaps we should start those tests now."

At least Moe knew where one of the cameras probably was.

It was hard to catch up tonight - I was ahead Friday morning and then basically couldn't write anything for a while. Tired from driving and whatnot - hard to muster the energy to push through a couple thousand words, especially when Treehouse of Horror is on and Family Guy is celebrating their 100th.

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